For the first time the Campos do Jordão (SP) city hosts a travelling exhibition of Bienal de São Paulo, in Boa Vista Palace, which was made possible by a partnership with the Governo do Estado de São Paulo, through the Secretaria do Governo and the Secretaria de Cultura e da Economia Criativa.
The city receives the curatorial statement Cantos Tikmũ’ũn [Tikmũ’ũn Songs]. After countless and recurrent episodes of violence and abuse since colonial times, the Tikmũ’ũn came to the brink of extinction in the 1940s and were forced to abandon their ancestral lands to survive. Songs organize life in the villages, constituting almost an index of all the elements of their daily lives, like plants, animals, places, objects, knowledge, and of their rich cosmology. Often intended for healing, most of these songs are collectively sung. In the context of an exhibition conceived around the necessity and the power of the songs, both in a literal and metaphorical sense, the example of the Tikmũ’ũn resounds in a very powerful way, also from a political point of view: in it’s practice, the communitary effort is constantly renewed in order to collectively rename, and, therefore, to build, an universe.
At the traveling exhibition of the 34th Bienal de São Paulo, the artworks gathered around this statement have among their triggers the need of environmental preservation and the safeguard of cultures and knowledges that are orally conveyed from generation to generation, such as the Tikmũ’ũn’s songs.
34th Bienal de São Paulo – Though it's dark still I sing
Traveling exhibition program
Palácio Boa Vista
Campos do Jordão (SP)
June 29 – July 31 2022
Av. Adhemar Pereira de Barros, 3001 – Alto da Boa Vista, Campos do Jordão (SP)
Wednesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 12 am; from 14 pm to 17 pm
Free entrance